
While I'm on the subject of stupid laws in the great state of Massachusetts, let me tell you about pedestrians.

In Massachusetts, it's a state law that traffic has to come to a screeching halt if a pedestrian so much as thinks about stepping into a crosswalk.  They have these big signs posted at a lot of intersections, especially in town centers, warning motorists that pedestrians have the right of way.  Pedestrians here are spoiled rotten by this unfortunate policy; many think nothing of stepping out into a busy street and bringing traffic to a standstill.  In fact, some drivers have been so bullied by this law (no doubt issued a ticket at some point for not yielding to a pedestrian) that if they are in their car and spot you on foot within ten feet of a crosswalk, they will hold up traffic and insist that you cross, whether you want to or not.

Traffic here is bad enough already without having to worry that your second biggest investment (or biggest, if like me you can't afford to buy a house here) will be smashed from behind because you had to slam on the brakes to keep from killing some indignant nimrod who couldn't wait another twenty seconds to cross the street.  A street which, I might point out, exists for cars to drive on, not for people to walk on.

Of course, the net result of the law is that pedestrians here have a false sense of invulnerability, and therefore often step right out into that crosswalk without bothering to look around to see what's coming.  (Does anyone remember "look left, look right, look left again?")  Even worse, a lot of people take it one step further and just hop right into the street wherever they feel like it, assuming that traffic will part ways for them like the red sea.  As far as I know, cars still have legal precedence over jaywalkers, so the only things keeping these particular people from getting plowed is the lingering sense of goodwill towards our fellow man and the knowledge that insurance will never fully cover the cost of smoothing out the dents in the fender.

As far as I'm concerned, if you're walking then you weren't in a hurry in the first place, so if you need to cross the street then dammit you can just wait your turn.

  screeds & diatribes
