the hordes at the gate.

Nothing taxes my dwindling faith in humanity like air travel.


I’ve flown a fair amount over the last several years, and I’ve noticed a trend when it comes to boarding a plane.  Even before they call for first class, the teeming masses start to cluster in the waiting area, crowding the gate, jockeying for position to be first in line the nanosecond their group is called.  No matter how many times the gate agent asks people to not approach until their group is called, none of these pushy bastards will budge.  It’s like third-world street urchins crowding around the unicef bread truck.  You’d think it was a matter of life or death whether they get on the plane an instant sooner than the next schmuck in line.


On a recent flight there were so many of these cretins crowded around the gate that there was no actual path; the gate was completely blocked.  The boarding agent called my group and I politely tried to work my way forward, but to no avail.  When they called the group after mine and I was still stranded in the obnoxious mass, I broke down and started pushing.  Some latte-drinking, WSJ-toting corporate drone actually got offended and made a crack along the lines of  “I thought I was in line here…”  yeah, buddy, you’re not in line; you’re just in the way.


I actually wish the airlines would start hiring bouncers.  Big hairy ones with tattoos.  The slack-jawed gate agents sure don’t have the nerve to do their job.


Message to mister corporate go-getter: the next time you’re tucked away in your precious aisle seat tapping away at your preformatted multicolor corporate spreadsheet and someone walking down the aisle “accidentally” spills soda on your laptop, it’s not bad luck – it’s payback.


Watch your back, buddy.

screeds & diatribes
